Research Subjects Needed!
The PBSN is currently participating with THREE research studies about prune belly syndrome!
The first is with Dr. Linda Baker to find if prune belly syndrome is genetic. We are looking for families with more than one family member with prune belly syndrome (including extended family). We are also looking for families with 1 boy with PBS with unaffected brother(s). If you are interested in participating or finding out more information, please write to or contact Team Baker directly, please contact Emma Sanchez at Dr Baker continues to grow her team as we continue to increase families participating. We as families hold the keys, lets help DR baker unlock some of the answers.
The second research study is about a link between PBS and cancer. Please write to for more information.
Also, prior to our 2012 convention in Orlando, Florida, please visit the Birth Defect Research for Children, Inc. site and add your family to the National Birth Defects Registry! See their site for full information about confidentiality and an explanatory slideshow. This organization has plans to compile information about PBS and present it to our 2012 convention group. Every family that participates contributes to "what we know" about PBS, so add your family today!
Together, we are working to find the cause of prune belly syndrome!